10 Instructional Strategies for Teaching.
Instructional Strategies for Teaching… One notable discovery in human history has been in the area of how the human brain functions, hence it was discovered that different individual have different brain capacity and this narrows down to how they learn and understand things in the classroom settings.
Hence the level of our understanding differs depending on the learning majors or teaching strategies adopted, what I am saying in nutshell is that there is an appropriate way to teach for optimum understanding and in this article , I will be showing you the 10 proven strategies for effective teaching.
1. Visualization
Scientifically, it has been proven that whatever the eye can see, the mind can hold for as long, in other world pictures and visual pictures have a lasting hold in the human mind. This discovery has been verified in the aspect of child learning process.
Now when you apply this discovery in the teaching aspect, the result will be mind-blowing. Now the question is, how do you apply visualization in teaching process? If it’s in the area of teaching children, the best approach is to draw out all what you’re saying. While you say it, let them see it. If it’s for the adult, the best approach is to make them visualize all what you’re saying. This can be possible by creating a mental picture that they can see
2. Show & Tell
Once you are clear about what you want your students to know and be able to do by the end of the lesson, you need to tell them what they need to know and show them how to do the responsibilities you want them to be able to do. Added to these is the Word Wall. It is a categorical listing of words that have been taught in the classroom and displayed on the wall. Students can then refer to these words during direct instruction or throughout the day. Word walls provide students with easy access to words they need to know during activities. The most effective word walls are used as a learning reference throughout the year. Learn why teachers use a wall and how they use them. Plus: activities for working with word walls.
3. Questioning
Techniques such as randomized sampling, student answer-boards and tell-a-friend aid you to check for understanding before moving on from the show and tell part of your lesson while you can use additional questioning techniques at different phases of your lesson.
4. Summarizing New Learning in a Graphical Way
Graphic plans include things such as mind maps, flow-charts and Venn diagrams. Conversing a graphical summary is a bizarre way to finish off your show and tell. You can then refer to it one more time at the end of your lesson.
5. Plenty of Practice
Practice aids students to retain the knowledge and skills that they have learned while also allowing you another opportunity to check for understanding.
6. Provide Your Students With Feedback
Unlike praise, which emphases on the student rather than the task, response provides your students with a concrete understanding of what they did well, of where they are at, and of how they can improve.
7. Be Flexible About How Long It Takes to Learn
When you adopt mastery learning, you distinguish in a different way. You keep your learning goals the same, but vary the time you give each child to succeed. Within the restraints of a crowded curriculum, this may be easier said than done; however, we can all do it to some degree.
8. Get Students Working Together
Group work is not new but productive group work is rare. To increase the output of your groups, you need to be choosy about the tasks you assign to them and the individual role that each group member plays. You should only ask groups to do tasks that all group members can do successfully.
9. Teach Strategies Not Just Content
From assignments and studying, to characterization, there are strategies underpinning the effective execution of many tasks that you ask students to perform in school. And, just as with content, you need to tell students about these plans, to show them how to use them and to give them guided practice before asking them to use them independently.
10. Nurture Meta-Cognition
Meta-cognition involves thinking about your options, your choices and your results – and it has an even larger effect on student results than teaching strategies. When using meta-cognition your students may think about what strategies they could use before choosing one, and they may think about how effective their choice was (after reflecting on their success or lack thereof) before continuing with or changing their chosen strategy.
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