Federal Polytechnic, Idah, FPI acceptance fee payment and registration procedure for the 2021/2022 academic session newly admitted ND and HND students have been released.
- All Admitted candidates are expected to visit the school portal www.fepoda.edu.ng enter their JAMB registration Number (for ND) and Admission Form Number (for HND) into the space provided to enable them print their Admission Letters and the Acceptance letters. Candidates can only access the Polytechnic portal upon payment of the non–refundable acceptance fee of N5,000.00 to the following banks through remita to get RRR codes.The RRR codes should be brought to ICT for validation.
Bank | Account Number/Account Name |
UBA | Federal Polytechnic, Idah |
Zenith | Federal Polytechnic, Idah |
Ecobank | Federal Polytechnic, Idah |
Sky bank | Federal Polytechnic, Idah |
Unyogba | Federal Polytechnic, Idah |
- Candidates should visit the Admissions Office for the Clearance Certificate and collection of undertaking form with the copies of the admission letter, the acceptance letter and the receipt for the payment of the acceptance fee.
- Candidates should go to their departments with their original credentials/documents for departmental screening.
- Admitted candidates who are successful in the Departmental screening can then go to any of the banks specified above for the payment of school fees. Then they are also expected to go to the Head of Students Accounts Office (Bursary) after payment with the bank teller and the receipt of the acceptance fee for documentation.
- They should take the completed undertaking form to the High Court, Department and Students Affairs for signature.
- They are also expected to go to the Medical Center for Medical Test.
- They are expected to go to the ICT Center of the Federal Polytechnic, Idah or any cyber café of their choice for their Course Registration form.
8(a). On completion of the course registration form, they should print three (3) copies of the course form, and take them to the Head of Department for signature. Thereafter they should submit one copy to the department, one to the admissions office and keep one copy. Note that a copy of the evidence of payment of school fees should be included in the document for submission at the department and admission office.
(b) All NDI students are to purchase and complete the Polytechnic admission form of N5,000.00 before final submission at the admission office.
Registration closes two weeks after resumption.
Registration after the stipulated time attracts a late registration fee of five thousand naira only (N5000.00).
Assalamu alekum