Joint Admission and Matriculation Board, JAMB added 40 marks to some candidates UTME score.
This is to inform candidates that have gotten their UTME score via SMS that the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has added 40 marks to the score earlier gotten by some students.
You can confirm whether you are among the lucky ones by re-checking your JAMB UTME Result.
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NaijaGreen Team.
[…] Recommended: Read This Before you Upgrade Your 2016 JAMB UTME Result. […]
but what stop u from adding the marks to some of the cadidate
dis is not fair because jamb minus 40 marks from my mark wich is very painful, can they pls add d 40 marks back
y was I given the wrong score which does not belong to me
PLC help me to check my 2019 result
I was given the wrong Score. Pls help me. And why are I mine not part of the 40 marks candidates?
Pls sir can u pls add 40 mark for me, becouse my score is 155. Sir favour me and put my comment under consideration.
9 std model paper 2019 40 marker
Pls I need this 40 marks plsss
Pls Am begging you i need that 40 Marks i swear i read hard I was expecting 240 but no i got 163 my father is now happy only with my twin sister so u see i dont even know whether i should be happy for her or jealous pls help me with 40 marks pls am begging consider my request and pls make my wish and dream come true pls
Sir pls i also need the 40 marks pls
I also need 40 marks
Pls i need 40 marks too 😪
Need it too
My life depends on it
My brother needs it please
pls I need 40 marks pls I score 145 & this I score 154 pls help me sir let my dream come true if you can give I would be glad
Please add 40marks please crying
Please I need 40 marks pls
please help me with the 40 Mark’s
I need it please
I really need the 40 marks…i had something i dd not even expect..way too low for me
Sir pls I need that 40mark to fulfill my dream sir pls sir
Plz sir,I also need d 40 marks 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Why didnt jamb add 40 marks to our results ?
Sir please I really need the 40 marks please am begging in the name of God
Please sir I need this 40 marks am on my neels begging
Sir please I really need the mark please sir
Please sir I need the 40 marks all my mate are in the university 300 level am the only one remaining please if u can help with the 40 marks I will be Glad God bless you in Jesus name
Please sir I need th the 40 marks please sir thanks
Pls sir I need that 40 mark 🙏 🙏 🙏
Jambite please add 40marks for those whose their result is fail
Because we read so far and u are giving us poor mark
Secondly I known I read and u fail me I pray for good about my jamb but noo
God is with us even though jamb is not by brain thee markers are those giving it
And a day will come nobody will write this jamb it will be cancelled by god grace
Jambite please add 40marks for those whose their result is fail
Because we read so far and u are giving us poor mark
Secondly I known I read and u fail me I pray for good about my jamb but noo
God is with us even though jamb is not by brain thee markers are those giving it
And a day will come nobody will write this jamb it will be cancelled by god grace
Pls am begging 🙏🙏 I need the 40 marks 21288288HF pls
Please sir,i really need the 40 marks pls help me.God bless you..
Please sir,i really need the 40 marks..please sir..
Please sir,I need the 40 marks.thanks
Sir please and please I need your help of that 40 mark so that my dream will be accomplish , please sir
We all need the 40 mark, jamb pls do something.
Please I need 40mark
Pls sir i need the 40 marks
Please sir I can’t sleep since I’ve been thinking about my result, I scored 158 last year and this year I scored 157😭
Wallahi sir I read hard… Please add 10 marks I’ll be grateful 🙏 please sir infact even 3marks to make it 160, I just want to be in the University I’ve been home for the past three years now please sir🙏😭😭😭
God will bless you insha Allah
And here is my registration number 20345975CA
Please sir add marks for us🙏
Pleaseeeeee sir🙏🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭
Please I don’t want my father to know about my score he said that if I didn’t score about 160 I’ll sit for jamb ever again
Please help me sir it’s about my future 🙏😭😩😩
Help us sir
Please sir I plead with you to please add 40 Marks to My score, and God in his infinite mercy will reward you greatly
Sir plz add 40mrks to my score as well . Wat we hoped for was not Wat we saw plz sir n God will grant ur desire
pls i need that 40 mark sir as u add this marks God will bless u 21394238EF
Oladokun Emmanuel oluwaseun
I also need 40 marks
Please…jamb i need that 40marks
sir please score 172 I need the 40 narks so that I can make it I beg u sir
Pls jamb my jamb score is to low l read header but my jamb score is 138 consider me with the 40 marks
Please I need the 40 marks this year please sir I need it
Please jamb I want you to reconsider some 2021 candidate please me especially I need this 40 marks I scored 167 and I don’t think any university will admit me
Please help me sir
Please I scored 171, jamb Add pls 40 to my result
Need mark sir please add event nah 20 marks
Pls jamb official add 40 to my jamb result I scored 171 in jamb please
I also need that 40 marks ooo
I really need it please
I really need
Sir I try very hard, but what I score is 124,all my sisters are got it. So please and please help us get that 40 marks please sir we are begging 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Please for God seek I really tried my best but low mark is given to me,please help me add 40 marks God bless.
Am here 4 the 40 mark
Please me too need the 40 marks, my course cutoff is 270 and I had 252, If I get that 40 marks now, I will be admitted, please don’t forget me please, I will make u people proud with 1st Class degree as a Medicine and Surgery Student. Please am begging.
Please I need it to gain admission as a medicine and Surgery student, I had 252 and they are looking for 270 please. I will make u proud by getting 1st class degree please.
Pls i need this 40 becouse i am score 143 but i am not opputunity to joint the university wiht this score pls i need it
Please sir i need help
I need it badly I scored 143 pleas add it for me let me enter school this year
With due respect Mr chairman I’m urge and soliciting for your calmness and effort regarding to the jamb programs. Pls sir I beg u with the
name of God in order to help and add us the marks.By so doing atleast we are going tobe proud with our mother’s land nations and tobe sure that we are real the citizens of nigeria. Thank you mr chairman.
chairman thank you for your support pls I 39 pls help me
chairman pls no option to my university this year I need 39 pls help me
sir I need your help no hop for me in university this year pls I need 39 pls help me
Sir I need 39 to enter university pls help me sir to enter school this year pls
Pls help me with 40 mark to add pls my knees are on the ground pls I don’t want to stay at home anymore
Please honorable sir wt total submition to u, i sincerely plead wt the whole of my heart dat u should just add me only 6 marks to qualify me to my test. Pls i wil be much greatful if am found as one of the lucky person dat wil lucky in ur side. Thank’ u sir and may God bless u as u wil help me by making my desire comes true. thank. Sunday peter nwafor
I need it too
Please,sir am pleading with the,name,of God crying out to you I have stay at home for,4yrs am tired,and decided to Come for remedial sciences in university of Jos .I read for jamb well because no jamb no admission .after all.the T.D.B.all night for good 3 weeks after my jamb on the 14th march in Mangu .I check on Monday I saw 169.not even up to 180.I was,bittered,seriously because of the effort I put toward this year jamb 2020.pls sir help us by adding the 40marks because I don’t hope again if this opportunity pass me by. help me achieve my dream of becoming DAT pharmacist .I always dream of.thanks sir God bless,you sir from Jos plateau state,jamb reg.21984916BF exam no.c59102050. I would be greatful if my request is being granted
Thanks sir .
Sir please help us,with the,40 marks pls.
Pls sir i hav 156 i whant u to help me to upgrade it for me to 180 pls sir am affrade to tell my father that i have 156 in my jamb pls and pls 〽
Pls sir. Add so mark for us
Please sir, i need the 40 marks
Pls sir I need the 40 marks
Pls add that marks pls for us 40
Sir Please I Need The 40 Marks Can You Just Help Me Please
Pls sir, i also need the 40 marks. I scored 182 in jamb, and the cut off mark for my course is 200. I felt so ashamed wen i saw my result. pls sir help me. Thanks and God Bless u
Sir plsss i beg you in the name of God, i have been at home for 5 years now nd i have not been making my jamb, plsss i score 145 plsss i will be glad if you add 40 mark to me, 20317050ff. Nd God will bless you more
Pls sir, i also need the 40 marks. I scored 157 in jamb, and the cut off mark for my course is 200. I felt so ashamed wen i saw my result. pls sir help me. Thanks and God Bless u
Pls sir, i also need the 40 marks. I scored 157 in jamb, and the cut off mark is not what I needed plz help me add
40 Marks to my God bless you
pls sir we need your help to add us 40 marks to enter university so many students we cannot tell parent the score we getted in jamb because we fear what happen to your parent
Please whosoever is in charge of jamb add de 40 marks to everybody not for some candidates It’s unfair do for all not for some people
God pls help me to be among the lucky ones, thank u all
Pls sir I reallly need the 40 marks sir, pls help me.
pls add dix 40 marks to those with low score
Why don’t they add it to everybody
Pls I need more mark pls I score 161🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I need this 40 marks plss
Sir we need 40 marks pls help us
we need the 40 marks…
cos my result was really low…not what I was expecting
Pls sir I need this 40 or 20 marks am tried of being a laugh stock I didn’t expect my jamb score that way I read hard this year 2020, I need this marks pls
Sir plsss i beg you in the name of God, i have been at home for 5 years now nd i have not been making my jamb, plsss i score 175 plsss i will be glad if you add 40 mark to me, this my registration num.22052192DA. Nd am afraid to tell my parents pls sir help me, God will bless u amen.
Sir pls help me I really need this 40 marks I wrote on 14march the system I used really disturbed me. Pls sir help me
Please sir i really need this 40 marks because i score 162 sir please him me, thanks
u guys busy wasting ur time,no body is going to add mark for you,better maintain ur score
Sir pls help me I really need this 40 marks I wrote on 14march the system I used really disturbed me. Pls sir help me my score is poor
Pls sir I really need this 40marks,this is my 3rd time am writing jamb and my parents are becoming fadeup towards me
I will really appreciate it if u take a look at my plea
Please we really need this 40marks please jamb add pleaseeeee
I want dis ooo
Pls sir I really need the 40 marks am to study nursing pls help me all my hope is there I got 179 and am to get 200 pls help I will be glad.
Pls put soms us has be considered pls we need this marks like our lives depend on its pls help us…
Please I really need the 40 mark please add it to my score,I will be greatful I don’t want to rewrite jamb for the third time
Please I just want to no weather the adding of 40 marks were true or not because many people need that mark as you guys can see this year many people failed is not that they didn’t read well but it might be exam pressure that made them not to score well so if the 40 marks were true please we need it. Thanks and God bless
Plz sir I really need the 40 marks add it to my score plz I don’t want to wast one year again sir plzzzzzzz
Good day sir plz I really need the 40 marks plz sir favour me nd put my comment under consideration I wish to be among the lucky candidates
plzz i need 40mark for my result 21006892BA
Sir please I need this 40 mark my result is 161 and am going for nursing please sir help me with this mark sir thank you sir
I need just 20 marks, I score 164 but I need 180 to study slt, pls help me if u can.
I need just 20 marks, I score 164 but I need 180 to study slt, pls help me if u can.
I need it pls,sir
Pls are need 40mark for my result m y score is 154