I have come across many question on this website recently and some candidate are confuse whenever they visit jamb or the school website to check their admission status.
Everytime you check your admission status, you keep on getting the same reply ( Sorry, No Admission is given yet !! )
Don’t be surprise when you recheck many time and still see the same thing.
The message will be change to congratulation you have been offered admission as soon as the school offer you admission to any of the available department.
What you can do when you see ” Sorry, No Admission is given yet !!
Take a little time and wait for your school to release another set of admission ( 2nd or 3rd batch) and as soon as you confirm another admission list is out you should check your admission status .
when I check my admission I come across this “For This Currently Year Admission Kindly Click on the ‘Access My CAPS’ button to Accept your Admission on CAPS first Admission”. What is the meaning of this grammar?
5 years ago
Please why do I keep seeing you are “yet to be offered admission” and the acceptance fees has closed.
4 years ago
I have checked but in the school I applied for I have been granted admission but when I check my Jamb CAPS it says “Sorry no admission offered yet”
4 years ago
I checked mine but it says sorry no admission is given yet
4 years ago
My is saying sorry, no admission is giving yet
what can I do
4 years ago
School as offered me Admission but on jamb caps it says Sorry,No admission is given yet!Why this pls
4 years ago
I was transferred from my course to a week ago, and I was advised to refresh on caps so jamb can update my choice of study. And till now it’s still showing not admitted. My old course is still displaying under 1st choice. Pls what do I do
4 years ago
When I checked my Caps for the first time,it showed no admission is given yet, later on it to sorry you have not been given admission yet….pls what does that mean
4 years ago
School has offered me addmission but on my jamb caps it says sorry no addmission yet….. Plz what does this means
4 years ago
Mine is saying sorry no admission is given yet,and acceptance fee has closed
4 years ago
I have not been given admission yet and have uploaded my Olevel result and jamb caps still shows me”sorry you have not been admitted yet”please what do I do
4 years ago
God will help u all.why can’t i access my jamb cap.what course will be given to me to study in uniport with cancel physics result.
4 years ago
Why is admission status keep showing sorry no admission is giving yet help me pls
4 years ago
I have checked mine it is saying “sorry you haven’t been given admission yet
4 years ago
Sorry no adimisision is given yet, that what mine show each time I opens it
3 years ago
Any time when i check my admission status still i see the same thing sorry you have not been giveen admission yet, what am goinh to do ????
3 years ago
What mean by you have no admitted yet please check back later
3 years ago
Mine is telling me ” sorry, yo have not been given admission yet” what’s d meaning pls
3 years ago
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